Total data: 36749

Terjemahan Fat-hul Mu'in Jil.1 dan 2 / Zainuddin bin Abdul Aziz al Malibari al-Fannani
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The Clash Of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order / Samuel P. Huntington
Huntington, Samuel P.;New York : Simon \r\n Schuster , 1996

Culture of Narcissism : American Life in An age of Diminishing Expectations6cChristopher Lasch
Lasch, Christopher;New York : W. W. Norton , 1978

The Ulama in contemporary Islam : custodians of change
Zaman, Muhammad Qasim;USA : Princeton Unoversity Press , 2002

Science and social work : a critical appraisal
Kirk, Stuart A; Reid, William J.;New York : Columbia University Press , 2002

The Problems of Jurisprudence / Richard A. Posner
Posner, Richard A.;USA : Harvard University Press , 1993

A History Of The Arab Peoples / Albert Hourany
Hourani, Albert;Cambridge : Belknap Press of harvard University Press , 1991

Social Stratification : Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perpective / edited by David B. Grusky
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