Total data: 36749

The Malady of Islam / Abdelwahab Meddeb;Trnslated by Pierre Joris, Ann Reid
Meddeb, Abdelwahab; Joris, Pierre; Reid, Ann;New York : Perseus Books Group , 2003

Akhlaq Islam : Membina rumah tangga dan masyarakat / Abdullah Salim
Salim,Abdullah;Jakarta : Media Da\'wah , 1994

The Challenge Of Fundamentalism : Political Islam And The New World Disorder / Bassam Tibi
Tibi, Bassam;London : University of California press , 2002

Between Memory And Desire : The Middle East In A Troubled Age / R.Stephen Humpreys
Humphreys, R. Stephen;London : University of California press , 2001

Time And Free Will : An Essay on Immediae Data of Consciousness / henri Bergson
Bergson, Henri;New York : Dover Publications , s.a.

The Great Philosophers / edited by Ray Monk, Frederic Raphael
Monk, Ray; Raphael, Frederic;London : Phoenix , 2003

On The Social Contract / Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Rousseau, Jean; Jacques;New York : Dover Publications, INC , 2003

A Middle East Mosaic : Fragments of Life Letters And History / Bernard Lewis
Lewis, Bernard;New York : The Modern Library , 2000

What Went Wrong? : the Clash between Islam and Modernity in the Middle East / Bernard Lewis
Lewis, Bernard;New York : Oxford University Press , 2003

Transnational Political Islam : Religion, Ideology and Power / Edited by Azza Karam
Karam, Azza;London : Pluto Press , 2004