Total data: 35873
Hukum dan politik di Indonesia / Daniel S. Lev; terj. Nirwono, A. E. Priyono
Lev, Daniel S.; Nirwono; Priyono;Jakarta : LP3ES , 1990
Introduction statistics for psychology : the logic and the methods / Gustav Levine
Levine, Gustav;New York : Academic Press , 1981
Jesus in the faith of Christians / Hywel D. Lewis
Lewis, Hywel D;London : The MacMillan Press , 1981
Ships / Edward V. Lewis
Lewis, Edward V.; Brien, Robert O.;Nederland : Time Life International , 1974
Muslim menemukan Eropa / Bernard Lewis;penerjemah:Ahmad Niamrullah Muiz
Lewis, Bernard; Muiz, Ahmad Niamrullah;Jakarta : Pustaka Firdaus , 1988
Perencanaan pembangunan : dasar-dasar kebijaksanaan ekonomi / W. Arthur Lewis
Lewis, W.Arthur; Kartosapoetra;Jakarta : Aksara Baru , 1986
Accession list : Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapura, Brunei / Library of Congress Office Jakarta Indonesia
Library of Congress Office Jakarta Indonesia;Jakarta : Library of Congress , 1973
Psychology of personal development / Henry Clay Lindgren
Lindgren, Henry Clay;New York : John Wiley & Sons , 1976