Total data: 35873
History of Religion East and West an introduction and interpretation / Trevar Ling
Ling, Trevar;New York : Macmillan , 1982
An Over view of Western and Islamic education
Lateef, Yusef Abdul;Michigan : University Microfilms International , 1975
Tadris al-mawad al-ijtima`iyyah / Ahmad Husain Laqani
Laqani, Ahmad Husain; Ridwan, Burnas Ahmad;Kairo : Dar al-`Alim al-`Arabi , 1979
New directions for college learning assistence / Kurt V. Lauridsen
Lauridsen, Kurt V.;London : Graffiti Pers , 1980
Goodbye to excellence : naesp studies ineducation / Mitchell Lazarus
Lazarus, Mitchell;Colorado : West View Press , 1981
Manusia di hadapan Allah I : masalah ketuhanan dewasa ini / Louis S.J. Leahy
Leahy, Louis S.J.;Yogyakarta : Kanisius , 1982
Pengantar filsafat Islam : abad pertengahan
Leaman, Oliver; Amin Abdullah, M.;Jakarta : Rajawali Pers , 1989