Total data: 36749

Social theory of international politics
Wendt, Alexander;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1999

Madness And Civilization : A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason / Michel Foucault
Foucault, Michel;New York : Vintage Books , 1988

Husserl And The Sciences : Selected Perspectives / edited by Richard Feist
Feist, Richard;Canada : University of Ottawa Press , 2003

Sources of Hermeneutics / Jean Grondin
Grondin, Jean;New York : State University of New York Press , 1995

Emmanuel Levinas : The Problem of Ethical Metaphysics / Edith Wyschogrod
Wyschogrod, Edith;New York : Fordham University Press , 2000

The Phemenology Reader / edited by Dermot Moran and Timothy Mooney
Moran, Dermot; Mooney Timothy;New York : Routledge , 2002

Accommodating Protest : Working Women, the New Veling, and Change in Cairo / Arlene Elowe Macleod
Macleod, Arlene Elowe;New York : Columbia University Press , 1991