Total data: 36749

Interrogating the tradition : hermeneutics and the history of philosophy
Scott, Charles E.; Sallis, John;New York : State University of New York Press , 2000

The History of anti-Semitism : From the Time of Christ to the Court Jews / Keon Poliakov;translated by Richard Howard
Poliakov, Leon,1910; ; Hoeard, Richard;Philadelphia : Univerityu Of Pennsylvania , 1955

Novitas Mundi : perception of the history of being
Leahy, David G.;New York : State University of New York Press , 1994

Derrida and Husserl : the basic problem of phenomenology
Lawlor, Leonard;Bloomington : Indiana University Press , 2002

Political participation and identities of muslims in non-muslim states
Shadid, W.A.R.; Koningsveld, P.S. van;Netherlands : Kok PharosPublishing House , s.a.

Evolutionnism and creationism / Ben Sonder
Sonder, Ben;New York : Franklin Watts,a division of Grolier Publishing , 1999