Total data: 36749

Perspectives on power : reflections on human nature and the social order
Chomsky, Noam;USA : Black Rose Books , 1997

Piltdown : A Scientific Forgery / Frank Spencer
Spencer, Frank;London : Oxford University Press , 1990

Modern jihad : tracing the dollars behind the terror networks
Napoleoni, Loretta;London : Pluto Press , 2003

Catalysis in Chemistry and Enzymology / William.P Jencks
Jencks, William.P;New York : McGraw-Hill Book , s.a.

The handbook of economic methodology
Davis, John B.; Hands, D. Wade; Maki, Uskali;Cheltenham : Edward Elgar , 1998

Religion and peace building
Coward, Harold; Smith, Gordon S.;New York : State University of New York Press , 2004

Averroes and the metaphysics of causation
Kogan, Barry S.;New York : State University of New York Press , 1985

Judaism in practice : from the middle ages through the early modern period
Fine, Lawrence;New Jersey : Princeton University Press , 2001

Muhammad : a bioghrapy of The Prophet
Armstrong, Karen;San Francisco, Calif. : : Harper San Francisco , 2001