Total data: 36749

Numerical Linear Algebra / Lloyd N.Trefethen and David Bau,lll
Trefethen, Lloyd N; David Bau,lll;USA : Society for Industrial and Appiled Mathematics , 1997

Peta pemikiran Karl Marx : materialisme dialektis dan materialisme historis
Ramly, Andi Muawiyah; Isre, Muh. Shaleh;Yogyakarta : LKiS , 2000

The RCMP Musical Ride / Maxwell Newhouse
Newhouse, Maxwell;New York : United States Tundra Books , 2004

Animal psychology : mechanisms and adaptations
Eckert, Roger; Randall, David; Augustine, George;New York : W.H.Freeman and Company , 1988

International order and the future of world politics
Hall, John A.; Paul, T. V.;Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press , 1999

Conjectures and refutation : the growth of scientific knowledge
Popper, Karl R.;London : Routledge , 1989

Unnatural selection : the promise and the power of human gene research / Lois Wingerson
Wingerson, Lois;USA : Bantam Books , 1999

Postcolonialism : an historical introduction
Young, Robert J.C.;Oxford : Blackwell Publishing , 2001

Modern genetic analysis
Griffiths, Anthony J.F; Gelbart, William M.; Miller, Jeffrey H.; Lewontin, Richard C.;New York : W.H.Freeman and Company , s.a.